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Caught On Tape: Spanish Civil Guard And Catalan Police Fight At Polling Station

After reluctantly complying with orders to shut down polling places, it appears the local Catalonian police have had enough of the Spanish Civil Guard's brutality. To wit, videos have surfaced showing members of the local police - known as the Mossos - clashing with Civil Guard officers as they try to stop federal police from storming polling stations and attacking peaceful voters.

"Act Of Terrorism": ISIS Attacker Stabs Cop, Rams Into Pedestrian Crowd In Edmonton

"Act Of Terrorism": ISIS Attacker Stabs Cop, Rams Into Pedestrian Crowd In Edmonton

In an incident that's being investigated as a possible "act of terrorism", an unnamed suspect stabbed an Edmonton police constable late Saturday night before trying to ram a truck into a crowd of pedestrians while being chased by police through downtown Edmonton Saturday night, according to the Globe and Mail.

"This Is Fascism": Shocking Footage Of Spanish Police Firing Rubber Bullets, Brutally Beating Peaceful Voters

Update (10:30 am ET): The number of people injured in clashes between pro-independence voters and riot police dispatched to the restive region by the government in Madrid has climbed to 337, including at least 11 police officers, the Daily Star reports.

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The Truth About Nuclear Proliferation And North Korea

The Truth About Nuclear Proliferation And North Korea

The U.S. is communicating with North Korea about its nuclear program and testing Pyongyang’s appetite for negotiations, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said in the first public acknowledgment by a senior administration official of direct contact on the matter. As Bloomberg reports,Tillerson, speaking to reporters on Saturday after meeting Chinese officials in Beijing, insisted that the U.S. would never accept a nuclear-armed North Korea.
