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Escobar: The Future Of The EU Is At Stake In Catalonia

Escobar: The Future Of The EU Is At Stake In Catalonia

Authored by Pepe Escobar via The Asia Times,

Fascist Franco may have been dead for more than four decades, but Spain is still encumbered with his dictatorial corpse.

A new paradigm has been coined right inside the lofty European Union, self-described home/patronizing dispenser of human rights to lesser regions across the planet:

“In the name of democracy, refrain from voting, or else.”

Call it democracy nano-Franco style.

Rickards On "The Fragility Of The North Korean Nuclear Showdown"

Rickards On "The Fragility Of The North Korean Nuclear Showdown"

Amid today's contradictory statements from President Trump that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson "is wasting his time trying to negotiate with Little Rocket Man... Save your energy Rex, we'll do what has to be done!" and The State Department's statement that "The White House is still committed to a diplomatic approach" on North Korea, it appears the fragility of the North Korean nuclear showdown is a great as ever.

Caught On Tape: Spanish Civil Guard And Catalan Police Fight At Polling Station

After reluctantly complying with orders to shut down polling places, it appears the local Catalonian police have had enough of the Spanish Civil Guard's brutality. To wit, videos have surfaced showing members of the local police - known as the Mossos - clashing with Civil Guard officers as they try to stop federal police from storming polling stations and attacking peaceful voters.
