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Chinese State Media Asks "Can Trump Win The Game Of Chicken With North Korea?"

While President Trump is more than willing to tweet or comment ad hoc his feelings about any of several crucial geopolitical hotspots, the Chinese prefer the more subtle approach. With their India border tensions, officials pen 'threatening' articles; but with North Korea, it appears the government prefers a well known mouthpiece - The China Global Times - to send a message to America - simply put, back off the rhetoric before this goes pear-shaped because North Korea has nothing to lose...

The Common Sense Way To Get Rid Of Kim Jong-Un

The Common Sense Way To Get Rid Of Kim Jong-Un

By Chris at

That will never happen!

Much to the consternation of the little men in that incestuous, insular, politically inbred, inward looking place called Washington DC, young Kim is firing rockets into the air to much fanfare in his desperately poor paradise.

This week, the UN security council unanimously approved sanctions against the naughty boy north of Seoul. Stupid, stupid (which I'll come to in a moment)!

Former CBO Director: The Fall Will Be "Very Scary", Expect A Market Crash

Rudy Penner, the former director of the Congressional Budget Office and the person described by MarketNews international as "one of Washington's most respected fiscal policy experts", told MNI Wednesday in an exclusive interview that he expects a "very scary" fall 2017 due to fiscal issues, with market-disrupting battles ahead on both the debt ceiling and fiscal year 2018 spending. Penner directed the CBO under president Reagan, worked at high level posts in the White House budget office, and the Council of Economic Advisers.
