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Canadian Official On NAFTA Renegotiation: "Mexico Is In A Terrible, Terrible Position. We Are Not"

As reported yesterday, Mexico is not at all looking forward to starting the process of renegotiating NAFTA with Donald Trump, explicitly warning the US that "there are very clear red lines that must be drawn from the start." What these lines are will be explained by Economy Minister Ildefonso Guajardo and Foreign Affairs Secretary Luis Videgaray who are both meeting with US officials in Washington on Wednesday and Thursday, setting the stage with next week's visit from Mexico President Enrique Pena Nieto.

George Soros Funded Women’s March On Washington To ‘Attack Trump’

It has been revealed that billionaire agent provocateur George Soros was behind the Women’s March on Washington on Saturday. The self-proclaimed “grassroots” march for women’s rights wasn’t so grassroots, after all. A New York Times writer recently uncovered evidence that the march was orchestrated by Soros in an effort to attack and undermine President Trump. reports: The Guardian has touted the “Women’s March on Washington” as a “spontaneous” action for women’s rights. Another liberal media outlet, Vox, talks about the “huge, spontaneous groundswell” behind the march.

"Having A Vagina Is Not Enough" - One Woman's View Of The Million-Pussy-March

Authored by Katie Hopkins, originally posted op-ed at The Daily Mail,

Her sign said; 'I am more than my vagina'. I asked her why she was at the Women's March on Washington. She said it was because she wanted to show what democracy really meant.

Another white lady held a placard reminding me that 'white silence = white consent but Black Lives Matter #BLM'. She said she was marching because women own their own bodies.

George Soros Has Significant Ties To Women’s March On Washington

Saturday’s ‘Women’s March” on Washington DC has been portrayed as a spontaneous, organic grass roots effort with independent organization. The media have been trying to make it seem as though the march wasn’t anti-Trump…. but it turns out that billionaire globalist and one of Hillary Clinton’s largest donors George Soros had links to over fifty ‘partners’ of the Women’s March….
