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Europe’s Courageous Journalism Voice Has Passed Away — Paul Craig Roberts

Europe’s Courageous Journalism Voice Has Passed Away

Paul Craig Roberts

On January 13, Udo Ulfkotte died, reportedly of a heart attack.

Ulfkotte had been an editor at the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitzung.
He published a courageous book in which he said that the CIA had
a hand on every significient journalist in Europe, which gave Washington
control over European opinion and reduced knowledge of and opposition to Washington’s control over European heads of state. Essentially, there are no European governments independent of Washington.

Thousands Of Clinton Staffers Forced To ‘Go On Welfare’

Thousands of Clinton aides and campaign staffers are being forced to leave Washington D.C., move back in with their parents and go on welfare, according to counselors working with the recently unemployed staff. “There’s anger, there’s frustration, there’s anxiety, there’s burnout,” said Russ Finkelstein, a managing director at Clearly Next who has been counseling Clinton campaign staffers. “People are in shock,” said Anastasia Kessler-Dellaccio, 35, who quit her job at Sister Cities International to run Foreign Policy Professionals for Hillary.

Ten Aircraft Carriers Aligned in a Row — Paul Craig Roberts

Ten Aircraft Carriers Aligned in a Row

Paul Craig Roberts

Readers have asked me why 10 of 11 US aircraft carriers are lined up in a row in dock allegedly for maintanence. It reminds them of the battleships at Pearl Harbor. Readers ask if this could be an indication that the Deep State is planning a false flag attack on the carriers, as was carried out on the World Trade Center and Pentagon in order to get the US at war with the independent Muslim world, this time in order to get the US at war with Russia before Trump can restore normal relations.

Massive Security Preparations Underway For Trump Inauguration Amid Protester Threats To "Paralyze The City"

Massive Security Preparations Underway For Trump Inauguration Amid Protester Threats To "Paralyze The City"

With just 8 days left until President Trump's inauguration ceremony in Washington D.C., a massive security force, including 7,500 Guardsmen and 3,000 police officers, is preparing for the worst as the event is expected to attract up to 750,000 protesters, some of whom have vowed to "paralyze the city."  Certainly if the protester presence at the Senate confirmation hearings over the past two days is any indicator of what is to come, then next Friday should be an interesting evening.
