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Iran Lashes Out At US, Will Build Nuclear-Powered Boats In Retaliation To US Deal "Violation"

Iran Lashes Out At US, Will Build Nuclear-Powered Boats In Retaliation To US Deal "Violation"

Until now, Iran's angry outbursts in response to alleged breaches of Obama's nuclear deal as well as extensions of the Iran sanctions, have been relegated to verbal outbursts, culminating most recently with the threat by Iran's defense minister Denghan that should Trump end Obama's landmark arrangement with Iran, it would result in a war which "would mean the destruction of the Zionist regime (Israel) ... and will engulf the whole region and could lead to a world war."

Only One Step Away From A Global Trade War

Only One Step Away From A Global Trade War

Submitted by Valentin Katasonov via,

The financial crisis of 2007-2009 effectively terminated the process of globalization. In 2015 world trade suddenly dropped by more than 10% for the first time since 2009. Nothing like this has been seen since the Great Depression of the 1930s. But some politicians, public figures, scholars, and journalists continue to talk about globalization as an «objective» and «progressive» process, even though it has already ended.

John Pilger Raises a Question: Has There Ever Been a Government More Evil Than Washington?

John Pilger Raises a Question: Has There Ever Been a Government More Evil Than Washington?

The Coming War on China by John Pilger

Years ago when I was staff associate, House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, a tutorial was provided on the destructive power of the Soviet ICBM SS-18, known as Satan. Employing hyperbole, the lecturer said that one SS-18 on Washington would kill everone from Boston to Atlanta.
