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US Assaults British Sovereignty — Paul Craig Roberts

US Assaults British Sovereignty

Paul Craig Roberts

The Washington elite believe that the British people should serve Washington’s interest and not their own. To this end, President Obama has been sent to London to emphasize that the UK must remain in the EU.

Does this make you wonder why it is important to Washington for the British people to surrender their national sovereignty to the European Union? If not, it should.

The Saudi 9/11 Blackmail Explained: The K-Street Lobby Racketeers Have It Covered

The Saudi 9/11 Blackmail Explained: The K-Street Lobby Racketeers Have It Covered

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

Although scores of us in the alternative media world have been discussing the obvious links between Saudi Arabia and the attacks of 9/11 for many years, this reality has only now started to enter the mainstream consciousness due to a recent report on 60 Minutes.

Syrian Election Result Puts The Lie To Washington’s Claim That Syrians Desire Regime Change

Syrian Election Result Puts The Lie To Washington’s Claim That Syrians Desire Regime Change

In the USA the Democratic Party Rigs New York Primary for Hilary Win

The Pentagon Plans To Deploy Underwater Drones In South China Sea

The Pentagon has announced plans to launch underwater drones near the Spratly archipelago in what is a clear indication that the US has no intention to back down in the South China Sea, Washington has been expressing outrage over the past year over a series of land reclamation projects by Beijing in the highly contested region…of which the US has no claims.

Helicopter Crashes Near Baltimore/DC Airport Onto Train Tracks

A routine helicopter power-line inspection turned tragic when it crashed onto train tracks near the Baltimore,MD/Washington,D.C. airport causing a fire and delaying rail service. Three people on board were injured, and the crash resulted in delays to Amtrak services between Baltimore and Washington, D.C. According to Reuters: An Amtrak spokeswoman said that by mid-afternoon all service had resumed between the two cities. Airline operations were not affected, airport spokeswoman Whitney Kidd said.
