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As Ukraine Collapses, Europeans Tire Of US Interventions

Submitted by Ron Paul via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Proseprity,

On Sunday Ukrainian prime minister Yatsenyuk resigned, just four days after the Dutch voted against Ukraine joining the European Union. Taken together, these two events are clear signals that the US-backed coup in Ukraine has not given that country freedom and democracy. They also suggest a deeper dissatisfaction among Europeans over Washington’s addiction to interventionism.

Ron Paul: As Ukraine Collapses, Europeans Tire of US Interventions

Ron Paul: As Ukraine Collapses, Europeans Tire of US Interventions

by Ron Paul

On Sunday Ukrainian prime minister Yatsenyuk resigned, just four days after the Dutch voted against Ukraine joining the European Union. Taken together, these two events are clear signals that the US-backed coup in Ukraine has not given that country freedom and democracy. They also suggest a deeper dissatisfaction among Europeans over Washington’s addiction to interventionism.

Washington’s Two-Bit Punk Ukrainian Puppet Prime Minister Resigns

Washington’s Two-Bit Punk Ukrainian Puppet Prime Minister Resigns

Arseny Yatsenyuk, put into office by the neocon criminal Victoria Nuland has resigned.

What new puppet will the Washington criminals stick in ofice to enable the completion of the looting of Ukraine?

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