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Are Russians In For Yet Another War?

Are Russians In For Yet Another War?

Submitted by Angela Borozna via,

Do Russians want another war? If you are Russian, you would be surprised by the question. Why would anyone want war (hot or cold)? But if you are an American, and grew up fearing ‘bad Russians’ such question does not surprise you a bit. After all, the whole Cold War was based on the main assumption – Russians/Soviets want war!

Putin Denounces "Panama Papers" As U.S. Plot To Destabilize Russia

The last few days days have been rife with speculation about the motivation, if any, behind the release of the Panama Papers, with the most prominent example coming from Wikileaks two days ago on Twitter which accused the journalist consortium behind the leak, the ICIJ, of being a "Washington DC based Ford, Soros funded soft-power tax-dodge which has a WikiLeaks problem" and adding that "PanamaPapers Putin attack was produced by OCCRP which targets Russia & former USSR and was funded by USAID & Soros."

Trump Unbound

Trump Unbound

Submitted by David Stockman via Contra Corner blog,

Even by The Donald’s standards his 95 minute long interview with the Washington Post was remarkable. He let loose so many stray shots as to leave the establishment press clucking in a chorus of disbelief. It undoubtedly started with the stink bomb he lobbied at the ” all is awesome” meme about the US economy and stock market:

Trump's 1990 Playboy Interview: "We Are Being Laughed At Around The World..."

Trump's 1990 Playboy Interview: "We Are Being Laughed At Around The World..."

While The Donald may come across as 'shooting from the hip', it appears based on this 1990 interview with Playboy that Trump has been thinking about the decline of America, the weakness and corruption of government, and the impact of foreign (Chinese, Mexican, and Japanese) trade practices on the average joe. As he says, "I don’t want to be President. I’m one hundred percent sure. I’d change my mind only if I saw this country continue to go down the tubes."
