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West Coast

Fukushima Radiation Hits West Coast Amid Media Blackout

Scientists have confirmed that a radioactive plume from Fukushima has made its way to the west coast of America, amid a total media blackout.  According to a recent article by EnviroNews, “medical science and epidemiological studies have demonstrated time and again that there is no safe amount of radiation for a living organism to be subjected to – period.” reports: In his piece, Urry also exposed other news agencies like NBC, the New York Post, USA Today and The Inquisitr, catching them with their pants down, in the act of repeating the false assertions of the U.S.

California Earthquake Fears Rise As Sidewalks Open Up

Residents in California have reported that sidewalks are opening and lifting up from the ground, as the force that caused the recent earthquakes in Ecuador and Japan has now begun affecting California. Experts have warned that pressure from the Pacific Tectonic plate threatens to crush the west coast of America.  According to photographs submitted by a resident in Palm Springs, California is about to suffer a very large earthquake in the next few days.

Case-Shiller Home Prices Jump Driven By West Coast Chinese Buyers

Case-Shiller Home Prices Jump Driven By West Coast Chinese Buyers

US Home prices rose 5.75% YoY according to Case-Shiller (the fastest rate since July 2014) as it appears the Chinese buyers are migrating south from Canada with Portland, Seattle, and San Francisco reported the highest year-over-year gains among the 20 cities with another month of double digit annual price increases.  Home prices continue to climb at more than twice the rate of inflation amid a suply shortage as West Coast propertty markets become "Vancouvered."

