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Angela Merkel’s Handler Revealed To Be Jesuit Mario Draghi

The Financial Times have revealed in a recent article that German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s “handler” is the head of the European Central Bank and Jesuit Mario Draghi.  According to the FT, Draghi manipulated Merkel to centralize financial power within Europe. reports: And German officials insist that Angela Merkel, the powerful third term German Chancellor, did not back Draghi’s policies of centralization of banking to clear the way for the European Central Bank to start buying Eurozone bonds. She obviously wanted centralization too in order to achieve greater forced integration of the Eurozone. But it appears they both understood what each other would do in order to stem the crisis. And it should not surprise those paying attention. After all, the Jesuits trained many EU leaders (not including Merkel). They know how to talk to each other and how to manipulate the rest. The original plan to protect Eurozone nations when they came under financial attacks from the markets had been hammered out by Mario Monti, yet another Jesuit-trained leader, and his closest advisors in 2012. But it needed German approval as with all EU policies before it could be implemented. But Chancellor Merkel’s endorsement was not forthcoming. During a 2012 [...]