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ASU Prof Allows Students To Protest Trump In Lieu Of Final Exam

It used to be that Arizona State University was best known for it's consistent top 10 placement in Playboy's annual "Top Party School" rankings.  The rankings worked wonders for ASU's various educational and athletic recruiting programs...for whatever reason...


But, the actions of one reckless professor, Angeles Maldonado, could undo decades of hard work put in by ASU co-eds to establish their school as an institution of unparalleled 'talent'. 

It seems that Maldonado, the professor of a class called Global Politics of Human Rights, decided to offer her students the option of staging a mass Trump protest in lieu of taking their final exam, a decision which has unfortunately drawn national attention.  And while such a decision may seem harmless, ASU students engaging in mass protests will undoubtedly conjure frightening visions of liberal Berkley feminists that can only serve to undermine the school's heretofore pristine reputation.


In speaking with the Arizona Republic, Maldonado, apparently ignorant of the reputational damage she was inflicting upon her school, unwittingly praised the decisions of her disaffected snowflakes to opt out of their final exams.

“The class decided that as a group project they wanted to make their voices heard about the issues that are affecting them today, so instead of just reading about the human-rights violations, they’d speak out about the current violations that are happening.”


“This was something that we all got together and said we would express some of the things we don’t like, so a lot of the other people here are protesting things like immigration, immigration ban, women’s rights, things like that.”



And so, with a few ridiculous signs and chants of "No Trump, no KKK, no fascist USA!" and "No ban! No wall! Justice, freedom for us all!," just a couple dozen students and one teacher managed to destroy the well-deserved reputation established by 1,000s of ASU students for decades to come.