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Australia Stops Donating Money To Clinton Foundation

Australia has cut all official ties with the Clinton Foundation following Hillary Clinton’s defeat in the US presidential election. Sputnik reports: On Tuesday, Foreign Minister Julie Bishop announced to the joint party room that agreements with the Foundation previously set up by the Rudd-Gillard government had not been renewed. “[Former Prime Minister Julia] Gillard also donated $300 million of our money to the Clinton-affiliated Global Partnership for Education,” Australian newspaper the Herald Sun wrote in an October article titled, “Why have we donated to Clinton’s foundation?” The Foundation, set up by the former first family of the United States, has received large amounts in donations from foreign governments, leading many to question whether it was part of a pay-to-play scheme during the former first lady’s tenure as US Secretary of State. Disparities in the amount of funds given to the Foundation by the Australian government have raised eyebrows. Reports from the Clinton Foundation list the Commonwealth of Australia and the Australian Agency for International Development as having collectively donated somewhere between $20- to $50 million. The Foundation also has a sister company called the Clinton Health Access Initiative however, which appears to have also received funding from Australian taxpayers. “Since [...]

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