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Black Man Converts 200 KKK Members By Becoming Their Friend

A Chicago man has an unusual way of combating racism: he makes friends with members of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). While befriending members of a group known for lynching black Americans might seem like a strange pastime for an African-American, the results speak for themselves. Daryl Davis, a musician who has played alongside Chuck Berry and Little Richard, has managed to make 200 Klansmen see the error of their ways and abandon the KKK. RT report: Once he has made acquaintances with those who enjoy dressing in white robes and dancing around burning crosses, Davis gently seeks an answer to the question, “how could you hate me when you don’t even know me?” “I appeal to people’s common sense,” he said earlier this month. “I don’t seek to convert them but if they spend time with me, they can’t hate me.” Former KKK Grand Dragon Roger Kelly became such buddies with Davis that he asked him to be his daughter’s godfather, and gifted the musician with his Klan robe. Davis hopes to one day hang it in a museum. Davis’s journey around the US has been captured in the documentary ‘Accidental Courtesy’ by Matt Ornstein, which is currently screening [...]

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