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Board Game That Predicted 9/11 Attacks, Says World War 3 ‘Imminent’

Steve Jackson’s Illuminati: The Game of Conspiracy was originally released in 1982, and many believe the game has already predicted major events that have come to pass, including: the 9/11 attacks, Princess Diana’s death, and the Japanese tsunami.  Worryingly, the game predicts that we are about to experience an “imminent” nuclear attack that will spark the beginning of World War 3. The image below was drawn on a card taken from the 1990s board game showing what appears to be an eerie representation of the 9/11 terror attacks – years before it actually occurred. reports: The Illuminati – most famously featured in Dan Brown’s novels – is an alleged secret group made up of the world’s elite who conspiracy theorists claim are plotting to introduce a “new world order” which will give them total control over all of us. The fact that a game about such a shady society appears to have predicted the world’s worst terror strike has given conspiracy theorists more fuel than they could have ever dreamed of. One theory regularly touted by conspiracy theorists – known as 9/11 truthers – is that the atrocity was actually orchestrated by the Illuminati through US intelligence services to garner support for the series of [...]