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California Conservatives: “We’re Scared For Our Lives”

Conservatives in California claim they are forced to live a double life and keep their mouths shut out of fear for their lives, proving yet again that liberals are tolerant and loving only if you share their ideology. “Just for my physical safety, my personal safety, I have to keep my mouth shut,” said Robert Ward, a Bay Area conservative who describes the fascist ideology permeating the state of California, with free speech being trampled on by zealous liberals who shout down and physically assault anyone who disagrees with them. He describes California as “risky” and “dangerous” for those who have conservative beliefs. “If you witness what happened in Berkeley, actually they are so violent on top of it. I mean being a conservative in the Bay Area is like being a heretic,” says Ward. “You lead a double life. You can never tell your friends and co-workers.” Daily life involves necessary lies and evasions, as conservatives develop mechanisms to effectively “live in the closet” hiding their political beliefs from colleagues and employers out of well-justified fear of retribution. Speaking out in public can lead to the kind of violence witnessed at Berkeley where conservatives were beaten to bloody pulps by gangs of [...]

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