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California Makes It Illegal For Parents To Make Medical Decisions

A new Orwellian bill is being proposed in California that will make it illegal for parents to make medical decisions for their own children.  The new SB-18 bill will allow the State to seize children away from their parents and their homes if parents make medical decisions that the State deems not to be in the child’s best interests. Dr. Richard Pan, the man behind the current mandatory vaccination law (SB-277) is behind this new bill which will takes away yet more power from parents. reports: This bill is in its early stages, and it’s not expected to be enacted — if passed — until 2022. But the language of the bill, critics insist, is a matter of concern. Dr. Pan’s seven-point list of rights declares that “all children and youth” have a right to have “parents, guardians, or caregivers who act in their best interest” and to “form healthy attachments with adults responsible for their care and well-being.” It also stipulates that the child is to “live in a safe and healthy environment” and benefit from having “social and emotional well-being,” and to have “opportunities to attain optimal cognitive, physical, and social development.” The child should also have the “appropriate, quality education and life [...]

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