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Canada Rejects International Assistance To Help Put Out Wildfire

Several countries have offered to help Canada deal with the devastating wildfire that is raging through Alberta and forcing tens of thousands to flee their homes. The Canadian Prime Minister has rejected foreign assistance to help extinguish the flames, saying help from other countries was not necessary at this time. On Thursday last week, Russia offered to provide heavy water bombers and specialized crews to help stop the uncontrollable inferno sweeping through Fort McMurray. RT reports: Other offers came from the US, Mexico, Australia, Taiwan, and Israel as well as from Palestinians. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said that he truly appreciated the willingness of the international community to help, but stressed that there was no need for it as there are already water bombers and firefighters from several of the country’s provinces ready and available, for example Ontario and Quebec. “The good news is from the support that we’ve seen from Canadians across the country, different provinces sending over water bombers, engaged in all sorts of different ways, firefighters coming from all across the country to help, is that there is no need to accept any international assistance at this point. But we certainly thank everyone for their generosity,” [...]