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China Accuses US Warship Of Violating Law

China have accused the United States of violating international law as a US destroyer was spotted sailing within 12 nautical miles of the disputed islands in the South China Sea on Saturday. The U.S. military have admitted sailing past the disputed island, saying it was asserting its freedom of navigation. “We conducted a freedom of navigation operation in the South China Sea earlier tonight,” Pentagon spokesman Jeff Davis said in a statement. Yahoo News reports: Davis said the guided missile destroyer USS Curtis Wilbur made the “innocent passage” off Triton Island in the Paracel island chain, which is claimed by China, Taiwan and Vietnam. No Chinese navy ships were in the area at the time the US destroyer sailed within 12 nautical miles of the tiny 1.2 square kilometer island, he said. The operation was conducted “to challenge excessive maritime claims of parties that claim the Paracel Islands,” Davis said. While the United States takes no position on the various claims to the island, it does not recognize any claimant’s right to its territorial waters. Beijing quickly responded, saying the move violated Chinese law and urging the United States to maintain peace. “The US warship, in violation of relevant Chinese laws, entered China’s [...]