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China To Replace 90% Of Human Workers With Robots

Businesses in China have reported seeing a 250% increase in productivity after replacing over 90% of the workforce with robots.  Following a factory in Dongguan replacing nearly all of its human workforce with robots, politicians in China are now looking seriously at the prospect of replacing human workers with robots across the country. reports: While some of the world’s leaders are obsessed with keeping people out of their country, an unspoken entity is slowly but certainly taking our jobs: robots. It’s been long discussed that robots and computers will start taking our jobs “in the near future” — well that near future is upon us and we’re not really prepared to deal with it. Of course, some jobs are more at risk than others, are few are as threatened as factory jobs. According to Monetary Watch, the Changying Precision Technology Company focuses on the production of mobile phones and uses automated production lines. The factory used to be run by 650 employees, but now just 60 people get the entire job done, while robots take care of the rest. Luo Weiqiang, the general manager, says the number of required employees will drop to 20 at one point. Despite this reduction in staff, not [...]

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