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Claims Obama Stole Billions From DOJ Rock Congress – GOP Calling For Arrests

The Obama administration is under investigation after it was revealed Thursday that billions of dollars of tax payer money was funneled into a shadowy Department of Justice slush fund and then distributed to a number of left wing activist groups. Ed Henry, speaking on Fox News, said “Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee are now digging in as we learn this morning that President Obama’s Justice Department handed out billions of dollars in your tax payer money to liberal outsider groups, leaving Republicans fuming.” “The question really may be is this just a new form of the so called ‘walking around money’ we used to hear about. Money being dispersed for political reasons in inner cities to try and turn out the vote.” Mike Huckabee, the former Governor of Arkansas, said the revelations leave Obama in very hot water. If the House Judiciary Committee takes this inquiry all the way, criminal charges will be filed. “Somebody ought to go to prison for this,” Huckabee said.  “This is worse than a mafia shakedown. At least if the mafia shakes you down for protection, your store doesn’t burn down. But this is a case where the liberals have played Robin Hood. They have stolen from the government, the [...]

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