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CNN Reports Comey Has Changed His Mind, Now Believes Trump Tried To Influence Him

Clearly disappointed to have been left out of the headline heroics from Friday night (courtesy of The Washington Post and The New York Times), CNN has decided that anon-sourced perspectives on officials' feelings now warrants reportage.

The latest in the sad sage of mainstream media's downward spiral, as The Hill reports, is that former FBI Director James Comey is expected to testify that he believes President Trump was deliberately trying to meddle in the FBI’s investigation of Russian interference in the presidential election, according to a report late Friday.

Despite swearing under oath that he "had never" been influenced during an investigation, and further that if he had he would have reported it immediately...

CNN now reports that, according to a source, Comey has come to believe the president intended to influence him...

Former FBI Director James Comey now believes that President Donald Trump was trying to influence his judgment about the Russia probe, a person familiar with his thinking says, but whether that influence amounts to obstruction of justice remains an open question.


"You have to have intent in order to obstruct justice in the criminal sense," the source said, adding that "intent is hard to prove."


Comey will testify publicly before the Senate intelligence committee after Memorial Day, the panel's leaders announced Friday.

The central question at that blockbuster hearing will be whether Comey believed the President was trying to interfere with his investigation.

Sources say Comey had reached no conclusion about the President's intent before he was fired.


But Comey did immediately recognize that the new President was not following normal protocols during their interactions.

So to clarify, a disgruntled fired employee, who previously said no effort to influence was undertaken, has now changed his mind, according to sources, and thinks his former boss was trying to influence him (according to sources).