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Dairy Farmers Boycott Vaccine Industry

Large numbers of dairy farmers are boycotting vaccination programs, saying that animals aren’t getting any health benefits from the vaccines which the farmers say are costing them too much money.  Big Pharma recommends that farmers vaccinate their animals against leptospirosis and infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR), but farmers have said the aggressive push to have the animals vaccinated is just a way for Big Pharma to make money. reports: But not everyone is happy about the decision many fo the farmers are making not to vaccinate their milk cows. In fact, much the same as the argument is presented with people; they are being threatened by “herd immunity” statuses. The claim is that the longer they go without vaccinating their animals, the more likely that it is that “herd immunity” wanes and “all cows end up sick.” This is, of course, a way for pharmaceutical companies to turn dairy farmers who choose to vaccinate their cows against those who do not. A UK based website,, interviewed local vets regarding the matter. “In the long-term, as the historic vaccine protection wanes, the herd will be at risk of infection, which could result in reproductive losses and severe milk drop,” says Wendy Welford from Clevedale [...]