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Dutch Leader Says Europe Will Collapse In Six Weeks

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte told the World Economic Forum in Davos that Europe has between six to eight weeks before it collapses due to the influx of refugees arriving from the Middle East.  Rutte warned that unless the EU gets a grip on the migrant crisis, the entire bloc will break up. reports: Meanwhile French prime minister Manuel Valls admitted the EU “could very well break up in a very short time”. He warned the ongoing refugee crisis across Europe and the threat of Islamic State (ISIS) terrorism could spell the end of the political union on the continent. Speaking at a summit of global elites in the exclusive Davos ski resort in Switzerland, the French politician suggested the EU had not been built to withstand “such powerful crises” of an unprecedented flow of migrants across the bloc’s borders or ISIS-inspired attacks. Mr Valls described Britain’s possible exit from the EU at an upcoming referendum as a “tragedy”, while hoping a deal on the UK’s membership could be reached in February. Having earlier thanked fellow EU member states for their solidarity in the wake of the Paris terror attacks last November, he said: “Europe may not have been [...]