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Edward Snowden: Brussels Attacks Were Preventable

Whistleblower Edward Snowden claims the Brussels attacks were preventable as Belgian authorities knew from their Turkish counterparts that the men behind the attacks were known terrorists. Daily Sabah reports: Speaking at a panel on privacy via video conference, published by The Intercept, Snowden said that the attack was preventable through traditional means, not mass surveillance. Snowden’s comments came about as he was criticizing the western governments’ mass surveillance programs on citizens. An allied intelligence services, in this case Turkey, warned Belgium that this individual was a criminal that they were involved in terrorist activities, Snowden said. That individual he happened to be one of the suicide bombers. Another one of them had been wanted since December in relation to terrorist attacks, he added. Snowden also added that the similar situation happened with the Boston Marathon bombers. He claimed that Russia had warned the U.S. authorities regarding the possible threat by one of the Tsarvaev brothers, but U.S. authorities did not take any actions. A day after the deadly suicide attacks in Brussels President Recep Tayyip Erdon revealed that the suicide bomber Ibrahim El Bakraoui and another suspect had been deported from Turkey last June after being arrested near the Syrian [...]