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The End Of Europe: Dutch And Czechs Consider Exit

Dutch voters have demanded an in-out referendum on the Netherland’s membership in the European Union, amid growing fears that the entire European project is about to collapse.  With Britain due to hold a June 23 referendum, other countries are preparing for an imminent exit in the event that Britain leaves. reports: In a new opinion poll in the Netherlands, a majority of voters said they backed the country having its own in/out referendum on EU membership, similar to the UK vote. And Czech Republic prime minister Bohuslav Sobotka has warned if Britons do decide to leave the EU, a ‘Czexit’ could follow. In the Dutch poll, more than half (53 per cent) supported an in/out vote with 44 per cent opposed and four per cent unsure. In the survey, conducted by pollster and entrepreneur Maurice de Hond, voters were also asked how they would vote in such an in/out referendum. Only slightly more (44 per cent) wanted to remain in the EU than those who said they would opt to leave the bloc (43 per cent), while 13 per cent said they ‘didn’t know’. Interestingly, more Dutch voters (48 per cent) said they didn’t want Britain to exit the [...]