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EU Leaders Plan For Future Without UK Amid Brexit Fears

EU leaders are bracing themselves for a future European Union without the UK, holding high-level meetings to decide the future of the Bloc amid a possible Brexit vote.  The leaders of Italy, France, Germany, Belgium and other core members discussed a “plan B” option on its future without the UK, and said that Europe would resolve to become a closer union with a strengthened army if Britain left. reports: Officials expect a punitive approach to Britain, with an official meeting of 27 leaders – excluding David Cameron – expected shortly after a potential Brexit vote. Senior Whitehall figures have identified EU leaders’ concerns over “contagion” of anti-EU sentiment as a key reason why, despite the reassurances of Leave campaigners, the bloc will be unlikely to offer Britain a favourable trade deal in the event of Brexit. One senior civil servant said Berlin, Paris and Brussels would see the post-Brexit landscape as an “existential battle” to save the European project. Officials in Paris have taken a hard line, with one senior figure telling the FT: “Playing down or minimising the consequences of [of leaving the EU] would put Europe at risk…the principle of consequences is important.” German Chancellor Angela Merkel [...]