A rogue electoral college voter is facing prison time after evidence emerged that he colluded with the Clinton Campaign to help Trump lose the Presidency. Colorado elector Michael Baca attempted to start a movement by requesting that fellow electors refuse to vote for Trump. Zootfeed.com reports: Though Baca repeatedly claimed his movement had nothing to do with Hillary Clinton, it has now been revealed that he was actually in contact with her campaign the entire time. Daily Mail reported that Baca’s movement ultimately failed miserably, as Trump won the electoral college handily and more electors ended up turning on Clinton than him. Now, Baca is facing prosecution in Colorado for casting his vote for Ohio Republican Governor John Kasich rather than Clinton. Colorado state law dictates that electors must vote for the candidate who won their state. “The strategy was simple, if virtually impossible to execute: persuade Democratic and Republican electors wary of Trump to unite behind a mainstream Republican alternative such as Ohio Gov. John Kasich or 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney,” Politico said of Baca’s plan. “If they could persuade 37 of the 306 Republicans on the Electoral College to ditch Trump, the election would have been thrown to the [...]
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