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Farage: Rape Crisis Happening Because Europe Has ‘Surrendered’

Nigel Farage has spoken out against the increasing dangers to women in Europe who he says are being “molested regularly in certain districts”.  The former UKIP leader says that recent events in Cologne, where large groups of women were raped on New Year’s Eve, points to “an unconditional German surrender” due to the response by German authorities to the crisis. reports: German girls in public actually dress and behave more conservatively than in many parts of the United Kingdom. Yet this intimidation from male migrants has led to the suggestion of a new code of conduct for German girls. It amounts to a very deep insult that will be felt in Germany and right across Europe too. The problem is very simple: if you let in large numbers of young, male migrants who come from a culture where women are thought of and treated differently, what do you expect? Some of the migrants were even quoted as saying that Mrs. Merkel had welcomed them. They are of course right, she did. And what a terrible, historic mistake that has proven to have been. Worse still are the cover-ups involved. The state broadcaster in Germany attempted to hush up events in Cologne [...]