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FBI Told San Bernardino County To Tamper With Shooters Apple Account

The San Bernardino County government put out a tweet on Friday, saying that the FBI told their staff to reset the iCloud password of Syed Farook’s Apple account. Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, were implicated in the San Bernardino shootings of December 2015 in which 14 people lost their lives. If true, then it means that the FBI was not honest for its reasons for wanting backdoor access to Apple iPhones, by forcing the company to compromise its encryption security. The FBI had a chance to examine Farook’s account before the password was reset before considering breaking into all iPhones on the planet.     Gizmodo reports: As you probably know by now, the FBI has demanded that Apple break into the San Bernardino terrorist’s iPhone. Apple has refused, insisting that doing so would set a terrible precedent. But both the FBI and Apple are currently waging a fierce PR battle over one of the possible ways that information from the phone could’ve been retrieved in the early stages of the investigation: Hacking Farook’s iCloud password and causing his phone to push information to the cloud remotely. In a filing yesterday the FBI claimed that the owner of the phone, San [...]