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Former Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich, Blames Trump for Sweden's Riots

Liberals are god damned crazy people. Don't try to convince me otherwise. I sat here for a good 10 minutes trying to frame this small story, not wanting to overhype or trivialize it either.

Here's a former cabinet member of Bill Clinton, a man who has worked in 3 democratic administrations, blaming Donald Trump on the riots that took place in Stockholm the other night -- which happened after police arrested a local drug dealer.

If you're just catching up, Trump made reference to an incident that never happened in Sweden in a speech, which then caught fire on social media. The left said Trump was spewing fake news. The right said Trump was playing 4d chess, making a purposeful faux pas in order to bring to light the horrible ongoings in Sweden, a country that has taken in more Muslim migrants, per capita, than any country in Europe. The whole country is being raped and beaten up on a daily basis now -- a complete and utter nightmare.

So then the very next day after Trump's comments, this happened.

Which then resulted in crazy Reich going off the rocker, blaming Trump for the violence. This is reminiscent of Obama blaming Benghazi on a YouTube video, isn't it?

Quit apologizing for savages, you stupid shits.
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