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French Protesters Demand End To State of Emergency

Thousands took to the streets in Paris on Saturday to protest the proposed extension of a state of emergency that was imposed after the terrorist attacks in November 2015 . Organizers said about 20,000 people attended the public protest despite the heavy rain, while Police reported that about 5,000 people took part in the demonstration. Press TV reports: Protesters chanted slogans including “state of emergency – police state.” The demonstrators said they fear the state of emergency could never end. One protester said, “Until when? The end of Daesh? Ten years? Never?!” Another demonstrator said the state of emergency, which is planned to be extended for another three months, was a “permanent coup d’état.” The protesters said the government’s policing measures during the state of emergency are curbing human rights. Elsewhere, in other cities, including Toulouse in the south, similar events were organized by unions, human rights organizations and other social groups. A further cause of discontent is a government plan to strip convicted French-born terrorists of their citizenship if they have a second nationality. That proposal has already triggered the resignation of Justice Minister Christiane Taubira, who stood down in protest over the plan this week after the reforms were [...]