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Frontrunning: January 30

  • Trump aides call travel ban success despite broad criticism (Reuters)
  • Trump’s Immigration Ban Promises Constitutional Showdown (BBG)
  • Trump Team Kept Plan for Travel Ban Quiet (WSJ)
  • Trump Era May Mean Fireworks on Fed Days (BBG)
  • Bannon Seizes a Security Role From Generals (NYT)
  • Don't let Trump embarrass our queen, say a million Britons (Reuters)
  • Countries Under Ban Aren’t Main Sources of Terror Attacks (WSJ)
  • Ukraine says more soldiers killed in deadliest clashes in weeks (Reuters)
  • Airlines Forced to Adjust Staffing After Ban (WSJ)
  • Negative effective of currency rates on company results fall in third quarter (Reuters)
  • VW Takes Global Sales Crown From Toyota Despite Diesel Crisis (BBG)
  • Eike Batista Says He Will Turn Himself In to Police (WSJ)
  • Duterte to Disband Anti-Drug Police Units After Korean Murdered (BBG)
  • Six Killed in Canada Mosque Shooting; Trudeau Calls It Terror (BBG)
  • Euro-Area Economic Confidence Hits Highest Level Since 2011 (BBG)
  • FX Guru John Taylor Is Back, Minus the $12 Million-a-Year Salary (BBG)
  • CSX, Rail Veteran in Settlement Talks (WSJ)
  • Old Cancer Drug Gets 1,227% Price Hike in Frugal U.K. (BBG)
  • Citigroup Plans to Exit Mortgage Servicing by End of 2018 (BBG)
  • As Ford and GM Stay Mum on Immigrants, a Detroit Refugee Is Torn (BBG)


Overnight Media Wrap


- CSX Corp is discussing a settlement with Hunter Harrison and the activist investor backing him that could make the railroad-industry veteran its chief executive, less than two weeks after they launched a campaign for influence over the company.

- Delta Air Lines Inc extended a freeze on many domestic departures following computer problems that extended to flights flown by its regional airline partners.

- Brazilian businessman Eike Batista said late on Sunday he's returning to Brazil to turn himself in to police days after being named a fugitive in a bribery case.

- Alphabet Inc's Google, Apple Inc, Facebook Inc, Microsoft Corp, Uber Technologies Inc and other companies expressed concern about the immigration order's effect on their employees, with some executives saying the ban violated their personal and company principles.

- A U.S. service member was killed and several were wounded during an operation Saturday against al Qaeda militants in Yemen that marked the first known commando mission authorized by President Donald Trump.

- A shooting at a Quebec City mosque has claimed multiple lives and sent other victims to the hospital, Quebec City police said. Police said they had made arrests at the Centre Culturel Islamique de Quebec on Sunday night, but declined to confirm the number of dead and wounded and did not provide any details on the arrests.



* President Donald Trump on Sunday defended his move to ban entry of refugees and people from seven Muslim-majority nations and said the United States would resume issuing visas for all countries in the next 90 days as he faced rising criticism at home and abroad and new protests in U.S. cities.

* The former head of Financial Conduct Authority, Tracey Mcdermott, will join Standard Chartered, according to people familiar with the move.

* France's Socialists on Sunday picked leftwinger Benoit Hamon as their candidate for the presidential election over pro-business ex-prime minister Manuel Valls, partial results showed.



- After the initial shock of President Trump's order on Friday restricting entry to the United States by citizens of seven predominantly Muslim nations and all refugees, businesses and trade organizations began to respond over the weekend, some with outrage, some with caution.

- Tech companies, which have embraced globalization, reacted more forcefully to the president's immigration order than counterparts in other industries.

- Gunmen opened fire in the Islamic Cultural Center of Quebec around 8 p.m., the police said, killing an unconfirmed number of people and wounding others.

- Authorities in Tikrit are evicting the families of ISIS recruits as a form of collective punishment, a practice that has been condemned by the national government.



The Times

* The American consulting engineer playing a key role in Britain's new High Speed Two rail route, CH2M, has approached UK competitor WS Atkins about a possible $4 billion merger.

* The Competition and Markets Authority is expected to confirm plans to look at Tesco Plc's planned 3.9 billion pound ($4.91 billion) takeover of Booker Group Plc .

The Guardian

* Thousands of steelworkers will vote on rescue proposals for the Port Talbot steelworks this week in a definitive moment for the crisis in the industry. Tata Steel has tabled a proposal to save 8,000 job in its UK business, including the Port Talbot steelworks in south Wales, by investing 1 billion pounds into modernising its operations over the next 10 years.

* BT Group Plc has fired the first shot in the battle for Champions League football, saying it is determined to keep a grip on the TV rights to European football's blue-riband club competition and accusing arch-rival Sky of having too much dominance over pay-TV sport. htt p://

The Telegraph

* Philip Green is understood to be close to a deal that will see him stump up more than 350 million pounds to fund the pensions of former BHS staff who have been left in limbo since the retail chain's collapse last year.

* The maker of the next generation of the black cab is targeting European capitals for sales of its hybrid-powered version of the iconic vehicle. London Taxi Co opens its new 300 million pound factory in Coventry, where it will produce the TX5 taxis, in March, with the vehicles rolling off the production line in the third quarter.

Sky News

* British Bankers' Association has warned that market stability could be undermined if Brexit is not handled efficiently, according to Sky News.

* Theresa May has announced a 100 million pound deal for the development of fighter jets for Turkey, following trade talks with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.