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German Town Bans Refugees From Pools

On Thursday, we brought you an Austrian cartoon flyer that the Swiss department of Health and Social Services intends to distribute to refugees ahead of the Lucerne carnival which starts on February 4.

The flyer features a number of pictograms depicting acceptable versus unacceptable behavior. Shaking hands, for instance, is ok, while flying into a rage and open-hand slapping young children is generally frowned upon:

It’s necessary to lay out the ground rules ahead of time because as we and others have documented exhaustively over the past several weeks, Europe has been struggling to deal with a growing sex assault scandal. According to “hundreds” of reports, men of “Arab origin” formed “gangs” to assault women in Germany, Finland, and Austria on New Year’s Eve and last August, dozens of teenage girls were allegedly attacked in a similar fashion at a festival in Sweden.

The public outcry has been long and loud. Women in Cologne massed last week in the city center in Cologne, holding signs that read “Ms Merkel where are you? What do you say? This scares us!,” among other things. The attacks have also emboldened nationalist movements across the block. Thousands of PEGIDA demonstrators poured into the streets last weekend in Germany and in Finland, a right-wing group called “The Soldiers of Odin” now patrols the streets in an effort to “assist” police in preventing crime.

Now, we’re beginning to see the first signs of segregation as one German town has banned adult male asylum seekers from the public pool.

“A western German town has barred adult male asylum seekers from its public indoor swimming pool after receiving complaints that some women were sexually harassed there,” Reuters reports, adding that “the deputy mayor of Bornheim, a town of 48,000 some 30 km south of Cologne, said on Friday that a difficult decision was taken to send a clear message that breaching German cultural norms was a red line that should not be crossed.”

"There have been complaints of sexual harassment and chatting-up going on in this swimming pool ... by groups of young men, and this has prompted some women to leave (the premises)," Markus Schnapka told Reuters.

"This led to my decision that adult males from our asylum shelters may not enter the swimming pool until further notice."

There was no official word on how the ban would be enforced but Markus Schnapka, who heads the social affairs department in Bornheim, said the measure would remain in place until refugees "got the message" - whatever that means. Here's the facility:

Meanwhile, in Finland, employees of the Diakonissalaitos Foundation which runs the local center for asylum seekers say elderly Finnish women are preying upon young male refugees. "The older Finnish woman suspected to have bought sex alone Finland tulleelta a minor asylum seeker," a clumsy translation of a story that ran yesterday in prominent Finnish tabloid Ilta-Sanomat reads. Here's more:

Deaconess Institute working with asylum seekers as a teacher Taina Cederström to strengthen the Ilta-Sanomat. Cederström continue that women were trying to buy sex from minors Helsinki railway station during the Christmas season. Women offered Cederström data show that the boys return for 20 euros. - We made ??a conclusion that there must have been a bunch of people pre-Christmas traffic. Money is purchased, Cederström says.Cederström says that two women blow to the companies he is quite sure. - Similar cases are certainly other. The Honourable Members heard enough.


"One boy asked, that receive women kiss when want to"


Deaconess Institute's employees were able to track down the case, when they began to wonder where young boys find their money on tobacco, and other things.


Cederström says that this is a new phenomenon. Young people at the station has been sufficient in the past. Cederström, the station is now gone for Finnish women 30-40 years of age to buy the services of minors. Cederström thinks that women are, in principle, to all appearances, smart, prosperous people. Someone feeling of superiority it has.

So there you have it. The descent of European society into bacchanalia. Lewd "chatting up" at indoor pools in Germany and young boys sold for €20 to elderly female predators at train stations in Finland. 

We wonder how long it will be before asylum seekers are banned from other public facilities in Germany. We also wonder if the Soldiers of Odin will intervene to keep underage boys from being sold into slavery for a pack of cigarettes.