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Hong Kong Housing Crisis Sees Citizens Living In ‘Coffin Homes’

Millions of residents in Hong Kong are being forced to live in inhumane conditions, with some of them living in tiny ‘coffin homes’ as the housing crisis in the city worsens.  As rents soar, citizens are being forced to downsize their homes and live in 20-square-foot cages with barely enough space to lie down in. The United Nations has stepped in and declared the crisis “an insult to human dignity,” as experts claim that the impact of living in such conditions could have serious mental health consequences. “They don’t even have enough room to stretch their legs, and such tight spaces may have many psychological and social impacts,” social worker Sze Lai Shan told the Daily Mail. reports: Over the past five years, rental prices in one of Asia’s wealthiest cities have increased nearly 50 percent, reaching an all-time high. The average price per square foot in Hong Kong is slightly lower than New York City, hovering at around $1,380. #China sets course to defeat poverty by 2020 — RT (@RT_com) October 13, 2015 Hong Kong was recently named as the most unaffordable major housing market in the world. Officials acknowledge the housing problem and have pledged [...]

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