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Hungarian PM Gives Historical Anti-Migration & Anti-EU Speech

The Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán gave a powerful speech recently calling on the EU project to dismantle and allow its member states to decide their own future.  His message needs to be heard and spread far and wide. The Prime Minister urged the public to not allow faceless, unelected, tax-exempt rulers of the EU and UN to continue to allow the deliberate destruction of its countries via mass immigration through its open-borders. Full Transcript: The destiny of the Hungarians has become intertwined with that of Europe’s nations and has grown to be so much a part of the union that today not a single people — including the Hungarian people — can be free if Europe is not free. And today Europe is as fragile, weak and sickly as “a flower being eaten away by a hidden worm.” Today, 168 years after the great Wars of Independence of the European peoples, Europe, our common home is not free! Ladies and Gentlemen, Europe is not free. Because freedom begins with speaking the truth. Today in Europe it is forbidden to speak the truth. Even if it is made of silk, a muzzle is a muzzle. It is forbidden to say that those arriving are [...]