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Iran Considers Setting Up Naval Bases Overseas

Iranian military officials are considering setting up naval bases overseas in Yemen and Syria, Iran’s Tasnim news agency reports. Iran’s armed forces chief, Gen. Mohammad Hossein Bagheri says, “Maybe at some point we will need bases on the shores of Yemen and Syria.” He told a gathering of navy commanders that Iranian naval presence in the Indian Ocean is 10 times more important as deterrence than nuclear power. Daily Mail reports: He said “Having naval bases in remote distances is not less than nuclear power. It is ten times more important and creates deterrence.” Gen. Bagheri added that setting up naval platforms off the shores of those countries requires “infrastructures there first.” He said Iran is also able to set up permanent platforms for military purposes in the Persian Gulf and roving ones in other places. Gen. Bagheri did not elaborate but said “When two thirds of the world’s population lives near shores and the world economy depends on the sea, we have to take measures. Though there is a need for the time for these (steps).” This is the first time that an Iranian military official has spoken of setting up naval bases in another country in the region. [...]

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