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ISIS Passport Found In Syria Leads Reporter To Russia

A Russian passport found among documents recovered from ISIS jihadis in Syria has led a reporter from Russia Today (RT) to a city in central Russia. Journalist Maria Finoshina uncovers the story of a man who gave away a good life and took his family to their apparent deaths in Syria’s jihadi badlands. Kurdish YPG fighters recently liberated the city of Hasakah in north eastern Syria from Islamic Stste/ISIS. Russia Today reports: Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) recruits its followers and potential fighters from across the entire world, with many of them bringing their whole families to Syria or Iraq, only to find their final resting place there. After the liberation of the town of Shaddadi, located in the Syrian province Hasakah from IS jihadists, an RT Documentary team traveled to the area and had the chance to examine piles of documents that had been left behind. Amid the trove, a number of foreign IDs were discovered by Kurdish forces, including passports of several Russian citizens. One of them, belonging to Alex (his name has been changed due to security reasons), has been tracked by RT’s correspondent Maria Finoshina all the way to its owner’s birthplace – the city of Volgograd [...]