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ISIS Spooked As Mysterious Sniper Kills Off Leadership One By One

ISIS have expressed fear for the first time as a mysterious sniper has been reported as killing off leaders of the terrorist regime one by one.  ISIS militants are said to be baffled as to who is picking off senior fighters following the assassination of three of its top commanders in recent weeks. reports: The sharp shooter is said to have perfected his skills during the 2011 uprising against dictator Colonel Gaddafi. Senior ISIS terror chief Abdullah Hamad Al-Ansari has been named as the latest casualty after he was attacked on January 23 as he left a city centre mosque. Hamad Abdel Hady, an official in the depraved cult’s Sharia court, was also taken out by a sniper’s bullet earlier this month. An eye witness told local news website al-Wasat: “A state of terror prevailed among the ISIS ranks after his death. “They randomly shot in the air to scare inhabitants, while searching for the sniper.” ISIS commanders are so panicked by the murders that they have carried out a number of arrests and executions in a bid to find the marksman. It is not known if the sniper is working alone or as part of a group of [...]