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Israel Teach School Children How To Kill

Israel are teaching young school children how to use weapons and suppress protestors, allowing the Israeli police force into schools to teach kindergarten kids.  According to Haaretz newspaper, dozens of preschoolers took part in the country’s first ‘learn to kill’ lessons, which were supervised by police and rescue officers. The kids were given basic training lessons on how to shoot using plastic rifles and taught anti-riot methods used by the Israeli military. The school children were also trained in how to use special police equipment such as bullet-proof vests, handcuffs and guns, and were taught specifically how to use them against Palestinian ‘aggression’. reports: City councilwoman Gaby Lasky (Meretz) said the police had used poor judgment and sent students a bad message. The presentation “won’t encourage feelings of security among the students,” she charged, but will teach them that “using violence against demonstrators is legitimate.” Nevertheless, some parents saw nothing wrong with the presentation. “I have nothing against weapons, and the intentions were good: to give the students a feeling of safety, of being protected, to give them the feeling that someone is guarding them,” one said. “Perhaps the display of weapons was a bit excessive, but the activity had [...]