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Jason Chaffetz Utah Town Hall Disrupted By Swarm Of Angry Protesters - "Do Your Job"

A Town Hall meeting hosted by the Chair of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Jason Chaffetz, in his home state of Utah last night came under attack from a mob of angry liberals demanding that he "Do His Job." 

Ironically, these Leftists who now demand that Chaffetz investigate Trump for not releasing his tax returns (which is not even required by law...but who cares about laws anyway) and Kellyanne Conway for jokingly telling Fox News viewers to go out and buy some Ivanka Trump merchandise are the same ones who were all too willing to ignore Hillary's violation of numerous federal laws with her private email server including a Congressional document retention subpoena that was very clearly, and intentionally, violated.

Here some footage of the chaos from last night:


Despite rarely being able to get a word in over the roar of the mob, Chaffetz was able to explain to one disaffected Hillary supporter that no law requires a presidential candidate to release his/her tax returns.

“If you want to continue to look into [2016 Democratic presidential nominee] Hillary Clinton, I don’t care,” an attendee named Noor Ul-Hasan asked Chaffetz, according to the Salt Lake Tribune. "But why aren’t you checking out your own president?”


“You’re really not going to like this part,” Chaffetz responded. "The president, under the law, is exempt from conflict of interest laws.”


Meanwhile, these lovely folks just "want a leader, not a creepy tweeter!"


Of course, as we noted just yesterday (see "Politicians Are Now Making Plans In Case The Public Turns Against Them Violently"), scenes like this Chaffetz demonstration are becoming a common occurrence at Republican Town Halls all over the country.  Unfortunately, the angry, and often violent mobs, are causing many conservative politicians to worry about their own personal safety — to the point where some are having private sessions to discuss the matter.

Citing sources who were in the room, Politico writes:


“House Republicans during a closed-door meeting Tuesday discussed how to protect themselves and their staffs from protesters storming town halls and offices in opposition to repealing Obamacare.”


Some of the suggestions, the news outlet reports, include “having a physical exit strategy at town halls, or a backdoor at congressional offices to slip out of, in case demonstrations turn violent; having local police monitor town halls; replacing any glass office-door entrances with heavy doors and deadbolts; and setting up intercoms to ensure those entering congressional offices are there for appointments, not to cause chaos.”

While protests are popping up all over, the Republicans’ private session was no doubt prompted by events that happened over the weekend.


While speaking before a raucous crowd in Roseville, California, Representative Tom McClintock had to be escorted from the stage and away from the event by local police officers.

McClintock, who held town hall meetings during the politically volatile days of both the Tea Party and Occupy movements, told The Hill he’s never seen anything like it:


“This was something very different. After an hour, the incident commander for the Roseville Police Department advised us the situation was deteriorating and felt it necessary to get me out of the venue. That’s never happened before.”

Amazing how quickly the Left converted from "Love Trumps Hate" to anger and violence...