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Legendary Singer Tom Jones Admits Being Abused, Says Sexual Harassment Common In Music Industry Too

Speaking to the BBC, legendary Welsh singer Tom Jones, perhap smore fmaous for his Vegas shows now, confirmed that the scandal in the movie industry, following the revelations regarding Harvey Weinstein, is also common in music.

Speaking at the launch of the “The Voice UK” television programme in Manchester, Jones stated that “Things have always happened in the music industry as well. There's been people complaining about publicists and different things they've been expected to do to get a record contract, just like a film contract."

Unexpectedly, Jones acknowledged that he’d faced this problem when he started out

“Yes. At the beginning, yes...


There were a few things like that. But you avoid it. You just walk out...


But what's tried on women is tried on men as well. But then again, it's not much though. It was just once, really."

Jones said that it left him feeling terrible...

“you think I’ve got to get away from this person and it can’t be like this... There’s always been that element there, that people with power sometimes abuse it.”

The question is whether other members of the music industry follow Jones lead but name names.

Jones added:

"Things happen in showbusiness, and sometimes things are covered up and then they come to light and other people come forward, it's like taking the cork off of a bottle.


Things come out that maybe should've come out years ago, who knows. But that's the way it is with showbusiness, you are in the public eye, and that's it. You have to take the good with the bad. But justice will out. If you've done something wrong you've got to pay for it, or prove that you haven't done anything wrong."

The fact that it’s also been going on in the music industry for many years – Jones began his career in 1963 – is probably not going to surprise anybody.