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Marine Who Found Smashed Awan Equipment Blasts Wasserman Schultz Over ‘Islamophobia’ Claim


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The U.S. Marine who discovered smashed hard drives and other electronics in the garage of a rented home owned by indicted DNC IT staffer Imran Awan is outraged over claims of ‘Islamophobia’ from Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

Andre Taggart turned the damaged equipment over to the FBI, which is investigating the former Wasserman Schultz employee for a variety of suspected crimes, including procurement fraud, violations of the congressional IT network, and using an off-site server to divert data.

When former DNC chairman Schultz claimed that U.S. Capitol Police are only investigating a ‘persecuted’ Awan due to Islamophobia, Taggart - a Democrat, called BS and decided to speak up.

Via the Daily Caller:

Taggart told The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group Wednesday that “it was amazing” that Wasserman Schultz, a Florida Democrat, describes Imran as a victim of religious discrimination by law enforcement. Taggart rented the Northern Virginia home of Awan, who had frantically moved out after learning authorities were onto him.

“It pisses me off,” said Taggart, a black Marine who says he votes Democrat. He believes Wasserman Schultz is crying wolf and devaluing the meaning of genuine discrimination, while also exposing herself and the nation to risks.

The day after the Daily Caller reported that Taggart had found and turned over the damaged equipment to the FBI in July, Imran attempted to flee the country, only to be arrested by the FBI at Dulles International Airport. The Awans had transferred and smuggled nearly $300,000 out of the U.S. before Imran’s arrest.

Taggart’s identity was originally withheld when the Daily Caller broke the story about the smashed hard drives in July, however the Democrat marine said he made the decision to come forward because he is concerned that ‘fellow Democrats are making a grave mistake by ignoring a scandal with serious criminal and national security implications,’ reports TheDCNF.

“I’m absolutely disgusted with everything going on in the country right now, mostly because of right-wing conservatives, but with respect to this situation, political affiliation is irrelevant,” said Taggart.

In addition to the four counts of fraud in relation to a Home Equity Line of Credit Imran Awan and his wife fraudulently applied for and subsequently sent to Pakistan, the Awans are suspected of a variety of other offenses – up to and including sending classified information to foreign enemies of the United States.

“Him, his wife, his brother, all working down there — there’s no way they could do this without help. If we can drag Trump and his wingnuts through the mud for the Russia influence that they are having, then it’s only fair that we also expose this s–t,” said Taggart.


When Imran Awan discovered that Taggart was holding onto the damaged equipment from his rented garage, he threatened to sue to get it back. Awan also listed the house for sale right after signing a multi-year lease.

“They took advantage of us,” said Taggart.

Awan relative Syed Ahmed told The Daily Mail “for the sake of money they would have done anything… [Imran] might have been selling this information.”

Both Judge Napolitano and Lt. Colonel Tony Shaffer have said that their intel sources believe the Awans were spying on congress and selling information:

To follow the latest on the Awan saga, follow Luke Rosiak at the Daily Caller and investigator George Webb.

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