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Mass Murderer Anders Behring Breivik Wins Lawsuit For ‘Inhuman Treatment’

Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik has won part of a human rights lawsuit against the government for “inhuman treatment.” Right-wing extremist Breivik massacred 77 people in Norway in 2011 and now enjoys a cushy life in prison with all the mod cons. He sued the government after his arrest for violation of his human rights. An Oslo court ruled in his favor on Wednesday on one of two claims, upholding his rights under the European Convention on Human Rights that prohibits degrading treatment of prisoners. His other alleged human rights violation claim was rejected. The Independent reports: A summary of the ruling released by Oslo district court said judges found his detention violated article three of the European Convention of Human Rights, which relates to “inhuman or degrading” punishment. The verdict said: “The prohibition of inhuman and degrading treatment represents a fundamental value in a democratic society. This applies no matter what – also in the treatment of terrorists and killers.” Breivik’s claim that authorities also violated article eight of the convention, which protects the respect for private and family life, including correspondence, was rejected. The court also ruled that the state will have to pay the prisoner’s legal fees, [...]