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Obama Arms ISIS With Chemical Weapons In Europe, As Prophet Predicted

Russia have accused America of arming ISIS militants in Europe with deadly chemical weapons, which they say will be used on the people of Europe in order to instigate a huge civil war.  A report circulating in the Kremlin says that the U.S. Army contracted 17 biological and chemical weapons companies to expand the bio-chemical weapons programme in Europe, which Putin has said puts Russia and the rest of Europe at “grave risk” from the weapons falling into the wrong hands. reports: And to what is exactly creating this “great fear and tension” throughout the Federation, this report explains, are that when these new Obama regime bio-chemical weapons plans are joined together with the current Islamic refugee crisis overtaking Europe, they “merge” into a dire prophecy made the famed mystic Baba Vanga (1911-1996) shortly before her death wherein she warned that a 2016 invasion of Europe by Muslim extremists created by a conflict she predicted would begin with the Arab Spring in 2010, and play out in Syria, would destroy the entire continent. “Muslims would use chemical warfare against Europeans”, Baba Vanga prophesized, which would culminate in the establishment of an Islamic caliphate by 2043 with Rome at its [...]