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Parliament Considers ‘Hate Crimes Register’ – Stopping Guilty People Getting Jobs

Parliament is considering implementing a ‘hate crimes register’ that will prevent people on it from being able to get jobs in the UK. Head of Durham University Law School, Professor Thom Brooks, told a Commons inquiry that he condones the introduction of a ‘hate crimes’ register which would be similar to a sex offenders register, that will severely restrict the type of jobs people are allowed to do. reports: Such an approach would send a “clear signal” about the severity of such offences, the professor argued in a written submission to the Commons Home Affairs Committee, which is holding an inquiry into hate crime and its consequences. He said: “Given increasing concerns about hate crimes, there may be scope for Parliament to consider establishing a Hate Crime Offenders Register along the lines of the Sex Offenders Register – and to similar effect. “Anyone on a Hate Crime Offenders Register could be restricted from working with children and/or working in certain professions. This seems sensible, mirrors current policies in place and would help send a clearer signal of how serious these offences are.” Since last year’s referendum, the media has regularly reported on “record levels” of hate crime as evidence that Britain is [...]

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