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Peaceful Muslim Woman Kicked Out Of Donald Trump Rally

A 56-year-old American Muslim woman wearing a Hijab and a T-shirt with the logo: “Hello, I come in peace” was thrown out of a Trump campaign event in South Carolina by police. She had made a peaceful silent protest by standing up and revealing her Self. The Telegraph reports: Rose Hamid, 56, stood up during the Republican frontrunner’s speech in Rock Hill when he suggested that Syrian refugees fleeing war in Syria were affiliated with the Islamic State. Wearing a hijab and a shirt that read ‘Salam, I come in peace,’ Mrs Hamid had hoped that her presence might manage to change the opinion some Trump supporters have about members of the Islam faith. But supporters around her began loudly chanting “Trump Trump” and demanded Mrs Manid, a 56-year-old flight attendant, leave. One person shouted, “You have a bomb, you have a bomb,” according to Mrs Hamid. Major Steven Thompson of the Rock Hill Police Department told CNN Mrs Hamid was thrown out of the event because the campaign told him beforehand that “anybody who made any kind of disturbance” should be escorted out. Mr Trump has previously made controversial calls for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the US. [...]