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Police May Have Arrested Wrong Suspect Over Berlin Attack

German police are on high alert and have said they may have arrested the wrong man over the Berlin  attack, and the real culprit could still be at large and armed and dangerous. Germany’s chief prosecutor Peter Frank told a press conference: “We must get used to the idea that he was possibly not the perpetrator or that he didn’t belong to the group of perpetrators” Police meanwhile have urged people to remain “particularly vigilant” and to report “suspicious movement” to a special hotline. RT reports: Holger Münch, the head of the federal criminal police office, said at a press conference on Tuesday that “we need to work on the assumption that an armed perpetrator is still at large. As a result of this we are on high alert.” During a press conference on Tuesday, German Prosecutor General Peter Frank also expressed doubts as to whether the detained Pakistani was the perpetrator, urging investigators to begin their probe under the “assumption that the detained man was not the actual perpetrator and did not belong to the criminal group” that carried out the Berlin market attack. Earlier Die Welt newspaper cited a high-ranking security source as saying that the Pakistani refugee [...]

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