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Presstitute Media at Wits End To Protect Its 18 Months of Lies About Russiagate

Presstitute Media at Wits End To Protect Its 18 Months of Lies About Russiagate

The Washington Post and Democrats Schiff and Feinstein are pretending that the massive demands for the release of the House Intelligence Committee report are coming from “Russian trolls,” when in fact they are coming from Americans. Twitter and Facebook are cooperating with the Democrats by blocking the posts, limiting users, and suspending the accounts of Americans demanding the release of the information. Here is the Washington Post again misrepresenting the facts:

Schiff’s office is flooded with calls from Americans telling the idiot that they are not Russian bots but Americans who are tired of lies and want the truth. Gateway Pundit reports that Schiff’s office hangs up on the American callers:

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