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Princeton Cancels Men's Swim Season After "Vulgar, Offensive, Misogynistic And Racist" Emails Discovered

Princeton University has officially become the 3rd Ivy League School, joining Harvard and Columbia, to cancel a team's sports season after the discovery of what university officials called "vulgar, offensive, misogynistic and racist” emails on a team listserv.  The Daily Princetonian reported that the men's swimming and diving team had be suspended for the remainder of the season after the alleged "offensive" messages prompted an official complaint to be filed by an anonymous source. 

Princeton has refused to share the contents of the controversial emails citing "privacy concerns for those involved," but posted a statement saying that certain members of the team had "failed to respect the values of this University and the dignity of other students."

"We make clear to all of our student-athletes that they represent Princeton University at all times, on and off the playing surface and in and out of season, and we expect appropriate, respectful conduct from them at all times," Samaan said. "The behavior that we have learned about is simply unacceptable. It is antithetical to the values of our athletic program and of the University, and will not be tolerated.


"After reviewing the situation with Coach Orr, we have decided to suspend the season, and all associated team activities, effective immediately," Samaan added. "In the coming days we will make a determination about the status of the team’s remaining schedule and we also will work collaboratively to determine additional actions aimed at education and positive culture building for the team."


“The athletics department and the University are committed to providing an inclusive environment free from harassment and intimidation and characterized by mutual respect and concern for the well-being of others,” Samaan said. “In recent years we have worked closely with Princeton’s SHARE office (Sexual Harassment/Assault Advising Resources and Education) to provide educational and training programs for our students and our staff.

Of course, Princeton isn't the first Ivy to cancel sports seasons this year.  Columbia University recently suspended its wrestling team's season after the discovery of "racist, misogynistic and homophobic" text messages sent by team members.

Apparently this Columbia wrestler longed for the better supply/demand characteristics of "hot girls" at "state schools" after visiting Pitt and Duquesne where "damn near every girl [he] saw was an 8."


Meanwhile, this wrestler got busted for posting a "sexist" article that he lifted from the Huffington Post.


And, of course, who can forget the Harvard men's soccer team "scouting report" that ranked the womens team by looks and assigned each a nickname and preferred sexual position to match their position on the field.  Per the Harvard Crimson:

The author of the “report” often included sexually explicit descriptions of the women. He wrote of one woman that “she looks like the kind of girl who both likes to dominate, and likes to be dominated.”


Each woman was assigned a hypothetical sexual “position” in addition to her position on the soccer field.


“She seems relatively simple and probably inexperienced sexually, so I decided missionary would be her preferred position,” the author wrote about one woman. “Doggy style,” “The Triple Lindy,” and “cowgirl” were listed as possible positions for other women.


The author also assigned each woman a nickname, calling one woman “Gumbi” because “her gum to tooth ratio is about 1 to 1.”


"For that reason I am forced to rate her a 6,” the author added.


“She seems to be very strong, tall and manly so, I gave her a 3 because I felt bad. Not much needs to be said on this one folks,” the author wrote about another woman.


Concluding his assessment of one woman, the author wrote, “Yeah… She wants cock.”

Meanwhile, proving that Ivy Leaguers aren't the only "vulgar, offensive, misogynistic and racists," the AP is reporting that the men's soccer team at Washington University in St. Louis has also just been suspended for "sexually explicit comments and other inappropriate behavior toward the women's soccer team."

At this rate, there should be no college sports team left by 2018 and asking a girl out for coffee will be universally recognized on college campuses as a hate crime.